Friday, November 6, 2015

An Introduction

Before we get into a first post on what I've learned today I want to introduce myself. 

I was raised in a small town in New Jersey called Kenilworth, the type of place where your gym teacher yelled things like 'I remember when your father climbed this rope in ten seconds!'. Luckily this was not directed at me, my parents had moved to Elizabeth NJ from Cuba. When I was two years old we moved out of Elizabeth to Kenilworth in a great corner of town with a cul-de-sac and kids my age to play manhunt with. I've tried every sport I had the chance to, and in college picked up rugby. Now, during seasons that I'm not too busy, I play with the Bayonne Bombers in Bayonne NJ. My favorite beer changes with my mood, but I like Lagunitas IPA.

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