Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Apartment Pricing Model

Note: The following was copied directly from my github project readme: Project
I am going to be looking for a new one-bedroom apartment pretty soon. Given that I just finished a course in Machine Learning and a semester of computer science, my first reaction was whether or not I could find data to try and model the rental market in my area. That should be simple right?

Finding Data

This was much more difficult than I expected. Once I started to google "Hoboken, NJ Rent Data" it was pretty clear there was no obvious data set or survey that I could get for free. My next best bet was to use the US Census data. Specifically, I used the American Housing Survey (AHS) 2015 National Public Use File, and the AHS 2015 Summary Tables. Both can be found here.

Understanding The Data

The first task was to understand my dataset, and what all the values mean. Luckily for me, Hudson County NJ is included in the New York data, as specified here. It also meant going through the Summary Tables and deciding which fields I wanted to include in my model. The fields had to be things I could estimate after visiting an apartment and plug back into my model. If you look at the get_descriptions() function in you'll see exactly which features I included and their description.

Cleaning The Data

Next I needed to understand how individual features behaved to see if features or rows should be removed. Specifically, I wanted to understand the continuous features like rent price and square footage. I found that the maximum rent was $10,600 which seemed much too high, so I simply removed those points. The same problem arose with people who paid $0 in rent. Alternately, I'm considering leaving the maximum rent field untouched and changing the zeros to the reported monthly mortgage for those same rows, if the mortgage is reported. I also found that unreported square footages were marked as -6, more fields that I just removed from the data set.

Training A Model

Finally, I needed to train a model. I decided to begin with a simple linear model and leave a more complicated model for the future. In order to account for non-linear relationships between my predicted value (rent) and features, I trained the linear model 7 times on the polynomial sets 0 - 6. I then chose the model which scored best on my testing data. Because I was using polynomial features I needed to punish overfitting and therefore used a Bayesian linear model. Bayesian linear models protect from overfitting by introducing a prior distribution on the model parameters. The log likelihood then ends up having some value lambda/2 * weights^2 subtracted from it, thereby penalizing your likelihood for many, or large weights. Specifically, I decided to use the BayesianRidge model provided by sklearn, and the default distribution parameters, with normalized data. I saw no reason to change the default distribution parameters yet because really I had no prior intuition on their distribution.


This model succeeded pretty well in spite of only using ~600 of the ~2000 New York values reported. The score and model could be improved by following through on what was mentioned in Understanding the data, or maybe using a neural network (next project :).


  1. How could I go about deciding better values for my prior parameters than the defaults?
  2. Should I try higher degree polynomials?
  3. Would a model other than Bayesian Ridge work better? Why?
  4. Is it worth normalizing the data in this case? When would one NOT normalize the data?
Please contact me if you think there's something I could improve or am misunderstanding. Specifically I am worried I am misunderstanding the score value returned by the model on testing data. Sklearn documentation says R^2 is defined as (1 - u/v), but also says that the best possible score is 1.0. I am measuring distance from 1.0, but worry that this is already being done in the 'definition' of the score.

Monday, May 15, 2017


The Jacobian matrix is used when performing a change of coordinates, often to simplify an integration. This is because the Jacobian tells us how much the area around an N-dimensional space is skewed when changing bases. Intuitively we would think that for some change of bases function 
$$T(u,v)\ =\ (x(u,v), y(u,v))$$ 
that the integral 
$$\int\int_D\ f(x,y) dx\ dy = \int\int_{D^*} f(x(u,v), y(u,v)) du\ dv$$
However, it is easy to find cases where this does not hold. For example, take
$$T(u, v) = (-u^2 + 4u, v)$$ 
Over the unit square 
The area of the unit square is obviously 1, but after applying the change of basis function T, we arrive at the area below

Please note that in this graph the x intercept is 3, making the area captured under the new basis 3. You can prove this to yourself by seeing that
$$T(1,1) = (-1 + 4, 1) = (3, 1)$$
And similarly for the other coordinates in the unit square. Showing that 
$$\int\int_D f(x,y) dx dy \neq \int\int_{D^*} f(x(u,v), y(u,v)) du dv$$
What this really shows is that our intuition was wrong, we need to multiply the result of our coordinate change by some value indicating the sensitivity of the points to the change. This is known as the Jacobian. More specifically, we multiply by the determinant of the Jacobian matrix. Please take a look at the bottom of this post to learn about the man himself, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi.
The Jacobian is defined as 
$$\frac{\delta\ x_i}{\delta\ y_i}\ \forall\ i$$
That is, the derivative over all your change of basis functions with respect to each new basis. The result of this is a matrix, but we are looking for a single value to multiply our integral by so we take the determinant. The determinant of a matrix of values 
$$a_{(0,0)}, a_{(1,0)}, a_{(0,1)}, a_{(1,1)}$$ 
Where subscripts indicate the (row, col) position in the matrix is
$$a_{(0,0)} *a_{(1,1)} - a_{(1,0)} * a_{(0,1)}$$
Above is the most well known application to the Jacobian matrix. However, the Jacobian is really just a set of derivatives that indicate the sensitivity of functions to changes in their input values. In fact, the Jacobian matrix comes up in Machine Learning when using backpropagation to calculate the loss of a particular component in a modular neural network.
In the modular network above, note that minimizing the error with respect to w requires finding the intermediary derivative of each y_i with respect to the inputs z_i. Since the Jacobian of all y_i with respect to all x_i tells us how sensitive y is to changes in inputs x to our network, we can use it to say that any errors are approximately the sum of the Jacobian over all y_i with respect to x_i evaluated at x_i. We can think of this as a measure of the sensitivity of the error with respect to the inputs. For a more detailed explanation please see Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning by Christopher M. Bishop, page 247, section 5.3.4., from which I took this example and the above image. 
The Jacobian matrix itself is interesting in the information it provides and its applications, but before looking at it in more detail I knew nothing about its creator, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi. A quick look at the wikipedia page shows he was an impressive Mathematician and part of a family of distinguished people. His older brother Moritz Von Jacobi contributed to physics and engineering and Carl was home schooled by his uncle until the age of 12. At 12 he was moved to a private school, and in half a year was put into senior level courses. The only reason he didn't go to college immediately is that the universities were not accepting applicants under 16 years old. Before going to college, by now bored by his education, he tried to solve the quintic equation by radicals (whatever that is). At 21 years old he was lecturing on the theory of curved surfaces at the University of Berlin. On the other hand, when I was 21 I was either learning or forgetting about the Jacobian matrix in my multivariate calculus course.

graph 1 (unit square) - source
graph 2 - wolfram alpha
example - Vector Calculus 5th edition by Marsden and Tromba 
modular network image - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Bishop pg. 247
Jacobian application - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Bishop pg. 247